When everything is unwrapped and your UV is clean, you can separate again the model 1 and 3. Take a look at how the original model 3 your exported in TSRW is unwrapped for understand this better.ġ4. It is extremely important that the UV of the middle part that will be stretched needs to take all the width of the UV MAP so it can be seamless when stretched in game, and needs to be “upside down”. When the modeling process is finished, join (ctrl + J) the model 1 and model 3 together to unwrap the texture. When you’re done with your model 1, you can mesh your model 3, keeping the same process.ġ3. Keep in mind that you’ll need to cut it in 3 (by marking seam and by using when seam edge is selected ) after modelling, so I strongly advise to mesh your model in quad so adding an edge loop at the end will be easier !ġ2. Start by meshing the model 1, as the model 2 is the same version without a few faces. Note: If you choose to ignore the vertex painting, one tile straight staircase will work but larger width and landing won’t and will appear invisible.ġ1. the right part* that will be displaced according to your new width.the middle part* that will be stretched or duplicated if you stretch your stairs over more than one tile,.the left part*, which won’t move whatever the width of your staircase,.The plugin cannot export very well the vertex paint but if you select the vertex paint mode you’ll already see that something is going on. Click on File > Import > WSO and choose your model 1, then repeat to import your model 2 and model 3.ġ0. Paste it into your blender plugin folder ( \Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.76\scripts\addons)ĩ. Look for \Program Files (x86)\The Sims Resource\TSR Workshop\Extras\Blender 2.74\io_wso_export.py and copy the file ( you can copy the export file if you wish but it doesn’t work !).
wso files in blender you’ll need to install the blender plugin provided with the TSRW installation folder. Click again on the scroll menu, select “ Model 2” and then click on export and save the. Click on the scroll menu and select “ Model 1“, then click on the red arrow box to export the file in.
You will see that a stair is made up of three meshes:Ħ. *If the model stairs you chose doesn’t have a wall, then the first and only entry will be CSTR right away.ĥ. Click on the scroll menu starting by “CWAL…”* and select the second entry “CSTR…” You will have the stair now showing in the main window. We will first need to extract the original stair meshes to serve as guide for our new staircase. The UI of TSRW can be very confusing, slow to respond and buggy so naviguate carefully. Title and description are in the contrary the one that will appears ingame). Enter the title of your item (Project name is for you and will not be shown. So if you want a basegame item, you’ll need to clone a basegame staircase.ģ. Note: I recommend to note the name of the staircase you want to clone ingame as the expansion packs required for those items are not shown in TSRW.
There are actually two sort of models you will want to choose: one with wall included, or one without. Click on Stairs and select the model you want to clone. Open TSR Workshop, select Create New Project then Builditem and click on Next.Ģ.